My Very First Blog Post EVER!

My Very First Blog Post EVER!
Cheers to 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011

30 and Fabulous

30 is the new 20.......
I told you that there was nothing to worry about at all.
I ended up having a fabulous time on my birthday night.
It was a little touch and go last week when I came down with a fever and sinus infection (thank you seasonal allergies). But by Saturday afternoon, I started feeling a little bit better and I REALLY wanted to wear the heck outta THE dress......
So I womaned up, od'ed on cold meds and got all dolled up for the big day.
I decided to go with this dress- a strapless Black Bill Levkoff gown with a white band... and it was PERFECT!!!!!!
30 is the new 20
Now its off to New Orelans for the week. I'll be presenting on Friday at a conference and hopefully will have some fun exploring town.. if you've ever been and have recommendations for places I should hit up, def. let me know.


  1. GORGEOUS...... and who knows better than your mother!

  2. YOWZA-and who knows better than Aunt Jill!
    Really, you look HOT HOT HOT!
    Knock 'em dead in N.O. with your presentation and have a fantabulous time-theoretically, you get the whole month to celebrate your birthday!
