Maybe the three scariest words .....Back .... to.....SCHOOL!!!
Its always exciting and scary for little kids to go to school (think cheesy kindergarten picture of all the neighborhood kids at the bus stop that comes back to haunt you on facebook), and even after all this time, I have the back to school jitters because I'm going to be a student (again)!!!
I haven't taken a class since 2005 and I'm supposed to start up again this Wednesday.
I decided that while working at a University, I might as well take advantage of the perks and take classes since they're free. So, with all the free time I really don't have, I'll be taking classes part-time for the next SEVEN years in hopes of walking away with a Ph.D in Public Health. It's gonna be a long road but I'm determined to finish up so I can be a full-time professor (seriously, they have the life!!).
My next project is to figure out how to rent a textbook.
Back in the day... and by back in the day I mean like 5 years ago, we just went to the bookstore on campus to by a new book or a used book if you could find one to save you some money. Now the newest way to get your books is to rent them. There are a bunch of different websites that ship directly to your house and you return the book after 130 days!!! This is unreal! If anyone has ever done this, please let me know about it. And sticking to my New Years resolution of being techno-savvy, I vow to rent and not to walk over to the bookstore (which I pass daily) and buy my textbook!
I'm looking at renting from Chegg. They have the best price for my book and they're eco-friendly. Their website says everytime you rent from them, they actually plant a tree so in turn I'm saving money and helping the Earth! Score :)
Good luck! My school requires that the library keep a copy of each book on reserve so I can read it for free. Also, through the school library website I get access to online versions of textbooks free too. Look into to it! Have fun! -"Kluthie"