My Very First Blog Post EVER!

My Very First Blog Post EVER!
Cheers to 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011

Freddy's Fab-u Friday Finds aka: My Obsession of a name within a name

So I have minor obsessions I think are hysterically funny, but not everyone around me agrees on the funniness of the situation. One of the more recent obsessions is a name within a name. So the first name of said person is also found in their last name. Follow me on this one and think Sully Sullenberger, Neil McNeil etc...Since getting married and becoming a Freedman, I have an obsession with naming something Freddy. Freddy Freedman!!! Everytime I think about it, it makes me laugh. What a great name for a pet Freddy Freedman. Well since our lease doesn't allow us to have pets I have noting to name Freddy. This is where the blog comes swooping in to save me of my obsession.

My second unaffiliated obsession is sales. Like sale prices, great finds, clearence items, and freebies. Sometimes I shop and buy things on sale just because the price is slashed. When I know I need an item I will not purchase it unless I find a coupon or find it on sale. Is that thrifty or what??? Maybe the latter of the two!I am THAT girl!

So combining my two favorites Freddy + sale item = Freddy's Fab-u Friday Finds.

This week I bring to you the first of Freddy's Fab-u Friday Finds:

For those of us that have winter cabin fever and really want to get in some outdoor acitivity between the NFL playoff games: 
Free Entrance Days in National Parks this weekend (Saturday-Monday). See the site below for more info and also for links to parks in your state.

For others that need retail therapy and want to shop (because who doesn't want to shop)
Old Navy Clearance Sale now through Monday at 9pm. Items are up to 80% off including clearance items. And a side note for the coupon queens, if you go to facebook and "Barkers Bones" Old Navy is giving away coupons like $10 off $50. Imagine the amount of clothes you could score at this sale!

Don't for get that Monday is MLK Day and its always good to do a day of service or a deed of serivce.
I always like to donate clothes or coats in wintertime. It helps me clean out my closet and make more room for the new clothes I'll buy at Old Navy!
If you need an idea of what to do for your Day of Service theres a webiste that you just type your zipcode into and lots of community service options come up.

I hope you have a FAB-U FRIDAY!

I plan on having a relaxing holiday weekend on where else but Long Island. I will take in the smell of the ocean, the crazy New York accent (that,  to this day, I don't believe that I have) and maybe I'll have a peach for old time sake. I promise to update you with some of my L.I. faves so stay tuned....

1 comment:

  1. thanx for the great links......I don't think you have a New York accent!
