My Very First Blog Post EVER!

My Very First Blog Post EVER!
Cheers to 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Very First Blog Post EVER!

So I'm pretty new to this whole blog-nation. I have friends that blog, I read them. I never "followed" becuase to be honest, I'm not a huge fan of new technology. Staying true to my New Years Resolution I am trying to embrace technology and expand my horizons. I bet your thinking that's a pretty broad resolution- yup! I like to keep them that way because I'm more apt to succeed at accomplishing my new years goal. Ok so maybe your thinking this girl is wack-o-la. Well, maybe I am. I have so many random thoughts that I believe will make this world a better, errr I mean at least you have something to read while you sit aimlessley at your desk figuring how how much you make an hour and how much you are actually "getting paid" right now to read this post. It's a long one so sit tight and enjoy the ride!

About me, I'm a New Yorker. I wonder what most people envision when you say New York-er? Probably Sex-In-The-Cityesque Carrie Bradshaw out galavanting in a barely there outfit even though its the middle of winter. That is not typical New York and I'm not your typical New York City girl.

 I grew up on Long Island-very different from NYC. Some people don't know what or where Long Island is. Let me help you out. Long Island is a LONG skinny ISLAND thats east of New York City. Some just unknowingly call it "The Hamptons." While the Hamptons are on the very eastern tip of this LONG Island, there is much more to it than that.

I grew up on the North Shore of Eastern Long Island- think farm land, winding one-lane roads, three miles to the nearest rocky beach, views of the southern Connecticut shoreline, the kind of small town where everyone knows your business type of deal. I actually grew up on a peach farm. I ate so many peaches growing up that I couldn't eat peaches for a few years. Now we're back to being OK with the peaches.
So literally speaking my life begins with LI.

I loved growing up on the Island but really couldn't wait for my high school graduation, to go off to a BIG college, a place where not everyone knew your name and your business. My college search landed me in the good old state of Maryland (Towson to be exact). Maylanders will proudly tell you that "Crabcakes and Football is what Maryland does!" Towson was the place where I spent the best four years of my life, made my lifelong friends, and met my future husband.

After college graduation it was definately, and I mean WITH OUT A DOUBT, matter of fact that I was going to move back to my Island except that there was no way I was moving HOME, under my parents roof, following their rules. And I did just that. This time I moved to the South Shore of Western Long Island, a whole different ballgame... think houses close together, stores within walking distance, still three miles to the nearest most sandy beautiful beach with endless water views where the ocean meets the sky. Life was perfect, oh except for the love of my life living in Mayland. So we did the dreaded long-distance relationship for four years. My friends started to get married and moved on with their lives -so I did the unimaginable. I applied to jobs in Maryland to be closer to "the one". And that my new friends, is how I became a transplant from Long Island, NY to the DC metro area. I have been here for three and a half years and can say that I made the right choice because I am happily-ever-after married.
I visit my roots frequently and have massive homesickness from Memorial Day through Labor Day. Did I mention the closest beach is not three miles anymore, it's actually three HOURS, Ocean City, Maryland. And the kicker, I've never even been there!!! When we go to the beach the hubs and I drive the extra hour to make the treck up to Long Island to go to the beach. What can I say, it's in my blood! I need the Long Island fix.

Are you thinking, this is redic?! It so is! I know it and I'm not afraid to admit it!
I have lots of random thoughts and hope that you all will leave me yor comments, especially if you are half as crazy as I am. I'm so excited for my blog-venture with you. So here's to 2011-drink up!