My Very First Blog Post EVER!

My Very First Blog Post EVER!
Cheers to 2011

Sunday, February 12, 2012


I've been so busy just trying to work full time and bake this little baby that I have truly been a blog slacker.
Exactly 2 months from now this little nugget is due and I have begun "nesting"
Nesting syndrome is defined as both biological and emotional. A part of it is instinct. A woman knows her body best. Women seem to know when the baby is about to arrive and thus the nesting syndrome takes over. Pregnant women can be found at this point cleaning vigorously, rearranging the baby's room and packing and unpacking the labor bag.
In my own words I feel like a crazy lunatic making:
lists of things that need to be bought
classes that need to be taken (ie: baby 101)
booking pediatrician consults and labor/delivery tours
figuring out what to pack in hospital bags
and currently at the moment washing all "baby's" clothes in Free and Clear detergent so I can fold and refold them while I decide how to arrange the closet.

At the same time hubby is building the baby's changing table in the garage- and no I do not mean it got delivered and he's putting it together... I literally mean he bought plywood and has been making it from scratch in the garage (what a special gift for mom and baby!)

Currently at 32 weeks I've packed on 21 pounds and praying the weight gain slows down before baby arrives. I look and feel VERY pregnant. Sleeping is a challenge and i get up between 2-4 times each night just to pee- seriously?!?! They say this is your body preparing you for baby to arrive and wake you up throughout the night. My 2x per week prenatal yoga has dwindled to once a week due to the preterm contractions I had a few days ago. I was put on bed rest for a week and thankfully they went away so exercise has been put on the back burner. The doc actually said "get lots of rest, eat healthy and don't gain too much weight!" Thanks for the encouragment doc!

Baby is head down - assuming the position- ALREADY! I can't wait to meet our little angel and I know that baby is going to be the most amazing gift. This has been such a wild ride! I will post more often to keep you all updated on the latest happenings! Thank you for being such loyal followers!

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