My Very First Blog Post EVER!

My Very First Blog Post EVER!
Cheers to 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011

Speaking of Being Fertile....

I'm pregnant!

As our love fern grew big enough to get re-potted (see last weeks post).... my belly also grows!!!
I am SOOOO excited to finally share the news with you! I am 16 weeks along and feeling great! Baby is due April 11th, 2012.
This is by far the longest secret I've ever kept (and the most important)! I can't even get my head wrapped around being a mommy- it really blows my mind and completely changes my life!
Daddy-to-be is very excited too!

So since August we've managed to:
Move from Maryland to NY
Hubs started new job in August
I started a new job in October
.... and now have a little munchkin on the way..... talk about lots of changes all at once!!!!

I've managed to bust out the Belly Band this week, although I'm not sure I "popped" yet, I def. don't fit into my pants. I'm loving the Liz Lange maternity section at Target and found some cute clothes and bathing suits for work!

Now that "morning sickness" is gone, my appetite is back in full force and I'm thinking I better watch my diet. I haven't gained any weight yet but I have no clue how that's possible?! I'll just count my lucky stars for now!

Speaking of morning sickness, I am sure a man coined that term... I was sick in the morning, sicker in the afternoon, and my sickest at night for about SIX full weeks (weeks 6-12). I am SO happy to be out of that phase- and all you ladies out there that were never sick believe me you didn't miss out- you are the lucky ones!!!!

We plan to celebrate this good news with all of you for a long time. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful and supportive people in our life and can not wait to be parents!!!!!

I hope you have a Fab-U Friday!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Re-potting Our Love Fern

So after travelling to NJ for work this week, I am so happy to be back on the Island!
Jersey is only about 40 miles away but in rush hour it took a whopping 3 hours for me to get home! I'm starting to get used to my new job as an Aquatics Director. It's definately a transition period for this company and its staff so it will take some time for me to get my feet wet (no pun intended)!! I'm sure all will be worked out in time, just like any other new job. The people I get to work with are really great and have SO much energy! I love the vibe I get and am really happy to have such fun co-workers!

If you go back in time on this blog you'll catch a story I wrote about an aloe plant the hubs gave me many years ago which is fondly named our "love fern!!"
It's been very well taken care of and we've watched it grow, and grow, and GROW over the years....

Today it's time to take our giant bundle and re-plant it. It's really outgrown it's space so we're going to attempt the re-potting (my first time trying this) and give a small peice of our aloe to family/friends (really to anyone who will take it!!!)

 Besides re-potting this weekend, we have plans to travel to PA for a wedding tomorrow!! It's our cousin who is getting married and we're excited for our day trip! Next weekend I hope to take a trip to Bear Mountain NY to see the fall foliage at its peak and see some "upstate friends" who can come with us to the Oktoberfest they have at Bear Mountain every weekend in October:)
So pretty! I can't wait to go see this!!!!
I hope you have a Fab-U Weekend!!!!!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Fall happenings

The weather has turned fall on us here on LI quickly! Last weekend hubs and I went to a far
Out east for pick your own produce! So much fun- we have eggplant, corn, pumpkins, and plenty of peppers.... All freshly picked by us!
I'm also adjusting to the new job- very different from the old job!
Anytime I start a new job I just keep an open mind and take it one day at a time.
This time I am basically my own boss (or at least that's how it seems for now) which is a brand new concept for me. Next week I get to go to the armpit of America (j/k love all my Jersey friends and readers!) but yes- NJ for training and the Ramada Inn for a night. Bizarrely enough I'm not stressed at all about work.... Only about my fear of bedbugs at hotels near NYC! Praying that it's unjustified fear but bringing my own pillow and blanket for my own sanity!!!! Am I crazy or are there other people out there that think about these things too???
Another thing that's blowing my mind is Regis leaving Live! after all these years. I love Kelly Ripa (a Jersey girl herself) but I love her with Regis.
I've come up with my top replacement for Reg that I think would be a good fit for Kelly:
Bethany Frankel (from RHONY)
Who's your pick?
I hope you have a Fab-U Friday!